Ultralight Beam Exhibition Catalog

Price: $12.00
Availability: Usually ships within 10 business days.


Ultralight Beam Curated by Rebecca Mills

September 15-October 30, 2022 at Pelham Art Center

Artists Include: Sunny Allis, Angelica Bergamini, Claire Buckley, Susan Carr, Joan Di Lieto & Thunderfox, Ala Ebtekar, Gabriel Mills, Sarah Renzi-Sanders, Christina Saj, Chris Watts.

Catalog includes 28 pages of exhibition photos, curatorial statements, and reflections on transcendence from selected artists. 

Catalogs in stock estimated 9/21 and will be shipped. 

Cover Photo: Holographic 21 by Claire Buckley
Catalog by Michelle Costanza

Neon CRM by Neon One